
EWC di Unicredit 2015-2019: Affrontare la Trasformazione attraverso il dialogo sociale

Il Comitato Aziendale Europeo di Unicredit (UEWC) ha concluso il terzo mandato 2015- 2019, nell’ambito del quale sono stati raggiunti importanti risultati attraverso la conferma del valore del dialogo sociale. Tra questi, evidenziamo la sottoscrizione della Dichiarazione Congiunta sulla Conciliazione dei Tempi di Vita e di Lavoro, del Global Framework Agreement negoziato dal Gruppo con Uni Global Union, nonché una maggiore frequenza degli incontri tra le parti…

UniCredit European Works Council: Statement

On December 13th, the Select Committee of the UniCredit European Works Council (UEWC) met the Head the Personnel of the UniCredit Group, Mr Paolo Cornetta, who presented the 2019 Group Strategic Plan. Later, the Select Committee followed the London Capital Market Day presentations by the Top Management …

UEWC: Erklärung

Am frühen Morgen des 13. Dezember hat das Select Committee des EBR der Unicredit ein Treffen mit dem Personalchef der Gruppe Unicredit, Herrn Paolo Cornetta, gehabt, der den Strategischen Plan der Gruppe präsentiert hat. Anschließend hat das Select Committee der Direktübertragung des Capital Market Day zur Präsentation des Plans durch das Top Management aus London beigewohnt …

Commercial pressures Unicredit Spa protocol signed

On April 22nd, 2016, at 5:30 am, after long, complex and contrivers negotiations, in Unicredit S.p.A. the “Protocol on Welfare in the Workplace and Marketing Policies” has been signed. The document, which was one of the objectives of the Group’s program agreement of October 8th, 2015, implements integrally the “Joint Declaration of Responsible Sales” signed during the European Works Council meeting on May 27th, 2015 …

Protocol on Welfare in the Workplace and Marketing Policies

UniCredit S.p.A. and the Coordinating Committee of UniCredit S.p.A. of the trade union organizations FABI, FIRST/CISL, FISAC/CGIL, SINFUB, UGL CREDITO, UILCA and UNISIN … pursuant to the provisions of art. 53 of the NA in force and with the intent to provide by the present agreement concrete elements that permit an ever greater distribution of a corporate culture that respects the work and the people and is line with the Group’s value system to which everyone exercising his role must adapt agree …

Accordo sulla formazione permanente

In the context of a European common project co-financed by the Commission, the European Social partners (UNI Europa Finance, EACB, EBF-BCESA and ESBG), celebrating the 10th anniversary of their Joint Declaration on Lifelong Learning (LLL), identified the practice of LLL at national level. The social partners found that LLL is a key topic – especially in a dynamic and changing sector such as the banking sector. LLL has been identified as a good starting point to establish and to strengthen dialogue between social partners.

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