Three-year business plan : the Unicredit European Works Council calls for more certainty

A sustainable implementation of the UniCredit three-year plan should not exclusively safeguard the interests of the market and of the shareholders, but rather protect employees. Therefore the UEWC calls for:

• A Social Plan with minimum standards should be developed through social dialogue at national level for all countries affected by job cuts. Such minimum standard should be:
no unilaterally decided lay-offs
staff redeployment before lay-offs
minimum one year vocation training for possible alternative positions before lay-offs
minimum severance pay in line with age, salary, seniority and social condition

• All operations should be maintained in all countries

• Neither outsourcing nor disposal of companies/business units should take place

• Employees who stay should not take the burden of the implemented measures. Personnel cuts should take place only after proper implementation of organizational and IT measures rather than before

• Investments should be made in areas that support the business

• Headcounts trends should:
– be country specific
– have a specific timeframe with starting and end date

• Monitoring: results of the envisaged measures should be disseminated to the UEWC and country by country to works councils/trade unions in a transparent manner and via the most suitable tools

• Timely start of the negotiation among Unicredit, on a side, and UEWC and UNI, on the other side, for the development of a “Global Framework Agreement” for the Unicredit Group

Milan, December 15, 2016

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