As Trade Unions had requested, on March 13TH a meeting concerning the breaking of the Management’ engagement about commercial pressure , take place.
Mr Chelo informed us he had sent to all Commercial Area Head Offices a communication reminding that only the IT system of gathering commercial data is allowed, in order to make possible the daily availability of the results. The Management does not absolutely share the systematic use of phone call or mail for asking daily reports.
Afterwards Mr Chelo showed us the so called “BIG”, a system of auto declaration of individual achievement to be addressed to the Commercial Area Head Offices before 17.30 of each day: the correct use of this tool should prevent from the continuous , obsessive commercial pressure.
On this subject Mr Chelo also said that a Responsible who insists in asking his personnel for sale reports doesn’t work well and he couldn’t be considered as an example for managing skills.
He said to consider this clearing up as ultimate and invited the Trade Unions to report any breaking of the Management commitment about commercial pressure.
As Trade Unions we do appreciate Mr Chelo declarations but we know that….
reality of the facts is another!
What daily happens is harder and harder commercial pressure, continuous asking for data, obsessive request of sales reports without any care for the customer satisfaction, the increasing of meetings in order to call for further productivity.
What really happens is that the Responsible send by mail comparative reports, showing the best and the worst seller, often menacing measures.
We, as Trade Unions, underlined that this situation is a generalised and well-known breaking of the 25th May 2004 Agreement about the commercial pressure.
We declared that words are not enough: we need facts and concrete tools.
Therefore we proposed to Mr Chelo to face this problem in A decentralized seat of discussion, a shared observatory, in order to monitoring the different situation, about commercial pressure, in each commercial area.
But the Management by one hand refused this solution, on the other hand, at decentralized level, said it could have been possible:
to insert stably the commercial pressure item in the Agenda of the periodical, half yearly meeting between Trade Unions and Resources Regional Responsible;
to organize focused meetings, at the Regional level too, every time Trade Unions ask for them.
The Management confirm the full validity of the 25th May 2004 Agreement.
Even if we, as Trade Unions, appreciate, as a whole, the Management’ answer, we , however, consider it largely inadequate to the present situation. Therefore we decided to establish a Trade Unions’ Observatory with the task of monitoring the problem at regional level. Otherwise we opened a mail address ( in order to receive from Workers notes, documents and information about commercial pressure . Obviously these information will be considered strictly confidential.